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Are you based in Kingston Upon Thames and battling drug or alcohol addiction? Are you wishing you could live free of addiction once and for all?

At Which Rehab, we provide a vast range of cutting-edge addiction treatment services; from free telephone advice to arranging an intervention and drug or alcohol rehab admission through our comprehensive rehab directory. Whatever your current situation is we can 


There are a number of alcohol and drug rehabs throughout Kingston Upon Thames. Contact our advisors to find the right local rehab for you.

The price for drug rehab in Kingston Upon Thames varies across the borough, depending on the location and the facility itself. Read how much does rehab cost in UK for an overview or get in touch for a quote.

Drug detox can be uncomfortable, and it is not advisable to quit using without professional help. There are a number of medications which can be given to help with the withdrawal symptoms, but it is not advisable to do this without the help of a medical professional. A lot of people in London decide to detox in a residential rehab where they can receive ongoing support and professional help.

Residential rehab in the UK is usually paid out of pocket, but private health insurance may be used to fund treatment.

In special cases, the NHS or social services may assist in paying for your stay at a residential centre when local community-based treatments do not suffice.

It’s simply down to you, you choose! Try a week programme, stay for 2 weeks or take a 28-day programme in full-time Westminster rehab. If you are an outpatient, you may be in rehab for up to 3 months. Contact us today for a tailored programme to suit you.

Recognising there's a problem

Many families experience one of the many frustrating characteristics of addiction, which is denial. Denial can prevent individuals suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction from seeking life-saving treatment and accepting help.

Even when it is blatantly obvious to all around them, that professional help is needed, they still think that you are making a fuss over nothing and that they are ok as they are.

If you, or someone close to you, requires an intervention, we can provide a specialist therapeutic service to determine if you have an issue. After that, you or your loved one can receive the proper treatment.

Treatments available at a Kingston Upon Thames rehab

At our drug & alcohol rehabs in Kingston Upon Thames, we offer a range of treatments. We provide help for drug and alcohol addictions but also for behavioural addictions. Whether you need rehab, detox or counselling, we are here to provide you with the necessary information to decide what’s best for you. Our treatments include:

Drug & Alcohol Detox Treatment in Kingston Upon Thames

We provide structured drug and alcohol detox programmes at the rehabs in and around Kingston Upon Thames.

This process involves stopping consuming addictive substances such as drugs or alcohol, which are gradually washed from your system, leading to unpleasant, often painful side effects. Fortunately, we’ll be on hand to prescribe any required medication to deal with withdrawal symptoms.

You’ll be under constant care and attention from our expert medical staff, monitoring every part of your detox. It can be a trying process but be assured the team will keep a close watch on you throughout.

You are not alone. We are here for you day or night, whether you need free confidential advice or intervention and rehab admission.

Individual And Group Addiction Therapies

At Which Rehab we recognise that everyone is different. That’s why we offer therapy sessions in both individual and group settings.

Our group therapy sessions involve a group of inpatients or outpatients being led by a specialist therapist to help them combat their problems. They are intended to provide support and encouragement in order to overcome denial and aid the recovery process.

Our 1-2-1 sessions on the other hand allow you to talk in private with a counsellor who has your focus entirely.

There are benefits to both options, so talk to our team today to find out which would be best for you.

The 12-Step Approach

The 12-step approach is a programme based on principles that help people overcome addiction and substance abuse. Originating from AA methodology, this renowned process is now used to combat all forms of addiction.

The 12 steps that participants go through act as a bridge between past behaviours to encourage them to take responsibility for the past, present and future and accept they are responsible for the decisions they make.


Holistic Therapies To Help Addiction

Holistic therapies are introduced into rehab and addiction treatment to improve the wellbeing and reduce the stress of individuals during the withdrawal process of their addiction. They are used to help heal the mind, body and spirit rather than just the illness.

Holistic treatments can include; yoga, meditation, art, massage, sport and exercise, music and much more.


Our Guide To Alcohol and Drug Detox & Rehab Services In Kingston Upon Thames

Benefits of attending a Kingston Upon Thames rehab


There are many benefits of attending a rehab programme for alcohol or drugs including:

  • 24/7 nursing care and support throughout a medical detox
  • A safe, temptation-free, healing environment with plenty of time to recover
  • Comprehensive aftercare packages to support your recovery back home
  • You will be cared for by a team of qualified doctors, nurses, counsellors, psychotherapists and holistic therapists
  • A personalised rehab treatment programme designed around your needs.
WhichRehab addiction treatment service covers the whole of the UK.

Step one - Detoxification

Alcohol or Drug Detoxification is considered the initial stage of any ongoing rehab programme.

During your treatment, you will be under the care of our highly trained medical staff. Upon your arrival at the detox centre, our expert doctors, nurses, and psychiatric specialists will carry out a thorough assessment, establishing your medical history and any past association with addiction.

The detox process involves stopping consuming addictive substances, which are gradually washed from your system, leading to unpleasant, often painful side effects. Fortunately, our medical staff will be on hand to prescribe any required medication to deal with withdrawal symptoms.

Step two - Addiction Counselling

You can then move on to the next phase of your ongoing rehabilitation programme. Through counselling, you can delve into the psychological characteristics of addiction.

During your stay at the residential centre, you may attend both individual and group addiction therapy, where you can talk about any ongoing problems or underlying concerns which could have a bearing on your dependency.

It’s also becoming more commonplace to employ cutting-edge therapies in the treatment of addiction, from Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and Integrated Counselling Therapy to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, among others.

WhichRehab addiction treatment service covers the whole of the UK.

Ongoing Rehab Aftercare

When you have completed detoxification and undergone rehab, you are ready to leave our clinic. But that doesn’t have to be the end of your treatment.

Addiction aftercare, in the form of regular therapy sessions, can help you overcome the mental aspects of addiction after completing one of our detox programmes. This effective way of overcoming alcoholism and drug addiction for good involves talking to a trained counsellor in an individual or group setting. They’ll discuss any issues which could play a role in your dependency and help pave a path to long-term recovery.

If that sounds like where you want to get to, why don’t you give us a call?


Addiction Support Services in Kingston Upon Thames and surrounding areas

There are various other organisations offering support in the Kingston Upon Thames area. These include the NHS, Social Work Services, Charity Rehabs as well as public and private partnerships. Beyond that, there are fantastic group organisations like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous and family support groups.

Your local GP can also help, but as with most NHS services, they can be under financial pressure as well as lengthy waiting times.

As they are not addiction treatment specialists, GPs will generally refer individuals to local specialist NHS services, such as the Local Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADP) or Community Addiction Teams (CAT), all of which are fantastic services.


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings in Kingston Upon Thames

Kingston Upon Thames AA Meetings by day of the week

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk | Telephone: 0800 9177 650


Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings Kingston Upon Thames

NA Meetings in Kingston Upon Thames by day of the week

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only ONE requirement for membership, the desire to stop using.

Website: www.ukna.org/ | Telephone: 0300 999 1212


Cocaine Anonymous (CA) Meetings Kingston Upon Thames

Kingston Upon Thames CA Meetings by day of the week

Cocaine Anonymous are a Fellowship of addicts who meet together to share our hope, faith, and courage for the purpose of staying sober and helping others achieve the same freedom. Everything heard at our meetings is to be treated as confidential. There are no dues or fees of any kind. To be a member, you only have to want to quit.

Website: www.cocaineanonymous.org.uk | Telephone: 0800 612 0225

SMART-Recovery-Essex-300x76.jpg (1)

SMART Meetings Kingston Upon Thames

Self Management And Recovery Training Meetings in Kingston Upon Thames

UK SMART Recovery (UKSR) is a registered charity which promotes choice in recovery through a national network of mutual-aid meetings and online training programmes with comprehensive teaching materials and manuals. Our Programme teaches rational, easy to learn and self-empowering skills to help participants abstain from any addictive behaviour and to develop a lifestyle that supports sustained recovery.

Website: www.smartrecovery.org.uk// | Telephone: 0330 053 6022



How do I know which is the best Kingston Upon Thames Rehab centre?

All Kingston Upon Thames rehab centres we deal with are Care Quality Commission (CQC) regulated. This means within our rehab directory all the rehabs follow a strict set of protocols both medically and therapeutically. This ensures they are of the highest standard and are safe for our clients, so you know whichever rehab you choose, you will get the help you need at the highest standard.