Many families experience one of the many frustrating characteristics of addiction, which is denial.
Denial can prevent an individual suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction seeking life saving treatment and accepting help.
Even when it is blatantly obvious to all around them, that professional help is needed, they still think that you are making a fuss over nothing and that they are ok as they are.
Repeated abuse of substances makes an individual very mentally and physically unwell. It severely clouds their judgement and their reality.
Tragically, denial and not being able to see the seriousness of their condition leads many alcoholics and drug addicts to their death. Substantial chemical changes in the brain take place over time, that prevent addicts from seeing what is clear to all around them.
Thankfully, there is now a recognised specialist therapeutic service called an intervention, which we are able to arrange. A professional drug and alcohol intervention successfully breaks the denial presenting in your loved one. An intervention will also encourage them to accept professional help and treatment for their addiction.
The interventionist will take the lead and control the whole process, so that the intervention is as productive as possible. Everyone involved will be prepared by the interventionist as to what part they play in helping their loved on to see the truth.
Using various counselling techniques and therapies, the interventionist will break your loved ones denial with the assistance of you and your family.
Once the denial is broken, your loved one is left to face the cold hard truth and the consequences of their actions; it is at this point that they will agree to accept professional help and treatment for their addiction.
Interventions are extremely successful, as a professional is able to systematically break down the denial of an addiction without the individual becoming defensive as they would with family and friends.
If they do not agree to treatment immediately, the seed will have been well and truly sowen and the truth exposed. It is usually only a short space of time before they ask for help
Quite simply call us at Which Rehab; we have all the information you need regarding professional interventions and can also arrange one for you without delay.
Which Rehab Birmingham, UK Addiction Psychotherapy & Counselling
Drug & Alcohol Rehab Birmingham,
334 Summer Ln,
Birmingham, B19 3RG.
Which Rehab London, UK
Drug & Alcohol Rehab London,
3 St Augustine Court, Mornington Road,
London, E11 3BQ.