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Crack Cocaine Addiction

Which Rehab specialises in providing advice and treatment services for all types of substance addictions, alcohol, and behavioural addictions.

If you or a loved one have a problem with Crack Cocaine and need help and support to overcome addiction, then you have come to the right place. We provide free confidential advice and guidance on your addiction with Crack Cocaine and have a UK-wide directory of rehabs and treatment centres that can help with providing the right treatment for you.

What Is Crack Cocaine?

rack Cocaine is a powerful class A simulant drug that is derived from the coca plant. The same plant cocaine is extracted from.

Crack cocaine is a free base form of Cocaine but it differs in the way that it is more concentrated with a rock-like appearance and is a smokable form of cocaine that delivers a more intense high.

The effects of Crack Cocaine last for a shorter period of time than other forms of cocaine, only lasting 5-10 minutes on average before there is a comedown.


Is Crack Cocaine Addictive?

Yes very!

Crack Cocaine is far more potent and addictive than regular cocaine, therefore an addiction to Crack Cocaine develops rapidly with some people even becoming addicted the first time they try it. You do not even have to be taking Crack Cocaine every day to be addicted to it.

The way it is ingested also plays a role in making it more addictive. Smoking or injecting Cocaine causes it to enter the bloodstream and reach the brain more rapidly. The faster a drug gets to the brain, the more reinforcing and addictive it is as it affects the pleasure receptors of the brain

After an addiction to Crack Cocaine develops, the user needs more of the drug to feel its effects and will experience symptoms of withdrawal if they attempt to quit.

The Effects Of Crack Cocaine

Yes very!

Crack Cocaine is far more potent and addictive than regular cocaine, therefore an addiction to Crack Cocaine develops rapidly with some people even becoming addicted the first time they try it. You do not even have to be taking Crack Cocaine every day to be addicted to it.

The way it is ingested also plays a role in making it more addictive. Smoking or injecting Cocaine causes it to enter the bloodstream and reach the brain more rapidly. The faster a drug gets to the brain, the more reinforcing and addictive it is as it affects the pleasure receptors of the brain

After an addiction to Crack Cocaine develops, the user needs more of the drug to feel its effects and will experience symptoms of withdrawal if they attempt to quit.

Negative effects of crack cocaine include:

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Panic attacks and nervousness
  • Agitation
  • Restlessness
  • Aggression and violence
  • Paranoia
  • Nausea
  • Sweats
  • Dizziness
  • Craving for more crack cocaine
A man suffering with alcohol addiction sitting on his bed - Which Rehab

Short And Long-Term Effects Of Crack Cocaine Use

Crack cocaine is so addictive that very few users are able to use the drug recreationally, and more often than not addiction develops quickly.

Short-term use of crack cocaine can cause instantaneous death. This is especially the case where higher doses more frequently are taken to feel the effects, as tolerance quickly builds and can cause cardiac arrest, heart attack, and dangerous risk-taking behaviour.

  • Long term effects of crack cocaine include:
  • Permanent damage to the lungs
  • Respiratory problems
  • Permanent damage to the heart, kidneys and liver
  • Malnutrition
  • Crack induced psychosis
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Paranoia
  • Severe depression and anxiety
  • Suicidal ideation and attempts of taking own life
  • Permanent cognitive impairment
  • Tooth decay and gum disease
  • Risk of contracting Hep C, HIV, and other blood borne viruses from shared crack cocaine paraphernalia.

Symptoms Of Crack Cocaine Addiction

More than often, addicts will go to great lengths to keep their condition a secret and therefore it is often difficult to recognise an addiction, even in someone very close to you.

Some of the more noticeable physical symptoms of crack cocaine addiction include

  • Overconfidence
  • Hyperactivity
  • Frequent disappearances (to get high)
  • Dilated pupils
  • Aggressive behaviour
  • Restlessness
  • Increased breathing rate
  • Uncharacteristic irresponsibility
  • Burns on fingers
  • Cracked or blistered lips from smoking out of a hot pipe
  • Change in social circle
  • Marked change in appearance, scabs, and infections from picking, weight loss, tooth decay, and loss of interest in self-care and hygiene.
  • Mood swings

Treatment For Crack Cocaine Addiction

If you or a loved one have an addiction to crack cocaine, it is important to understand that addiction is a disease of the brain that responds to evidence-based addiction treatments.

Professional help is essential for recovery from crack cocaine addiction because it is extremely difficult to quit without the right support.

Here at Which Rehab we offer free confidential help and advice to support you with your crack cocaine addiction and offer you a range of treatment options to help you on the road to recovery and live your life in a clean and positive way.

Treatments available to help you overcome you crack cocaine addiction include:


Drug Detox

Individuals addicted to crack cocaine have the best chance of recovery while detoxing at a drug treatment facility. It can be a daunting thought at the prospect of completely stopping crack cocaine but we have seen it first hand and know it is possible.

A crack cocaine detox will be processed by slowly reducing the presence of crack cocaine in your body. Through this process, replacement drugs may be used to stabilise the brain and any associated mental health issues. This can be a very important step in helping to curb the withdrawal symptom. This is why it is important to seek a medical drug detox rather than go cold turkey as this can be very dangerous to your health. In a rehab clinic, you are in the best place to work through those withdrawal symptoms safely.

Inpatient Drug Rehab

Choosing inpatient rehab as a treatment option is one of the best ways to make a complete recovery from crack cocaine addiction. Many rehabs will offer a range of treatment plans and understand each addiction experience is unique and be tailored to you but after a drug detox you will receive a combination of therapies such as:

  • One on one counselling therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Process addiction therapy
  • Holistic programme

Outpatient Drug Rehab

Outpatient rehab is a lot less restrictive than inpatient rehab. With an outpatient rehab, you can continue to live at home and continue your everyday responsibilities. Treatment will happen during the day where you will attend a specialist treatment centre several times a week for several hours a day to receive various forms of treatment.

An outpatient drug rehab is a good option if you require more flexibility however, it is important to note that the temptation of using crack cocaine again is easier due to the ease of access before you have learnt new coping mechanisms.

The optimum drug addiction treatment time is 8-12 weeks. This is how long it takes for the brain to heal., adapt and incorporate new healthy behaviours habitually.


Aftercare is a post-treatment care option that aims to prevent relapse by teaching individuals the skills they need to cope with triggers and maintaining attendance in ongoing therapy or counselling.

Crack-cocaine stats and facts

  • Crack cocaine’s name comes from the cracking and popping sound it makes when heated.


  • Other names for crack cocaine include Rock (s), base, candy, cookies, kryptonite, sleet, hard or most commonly, crack.


  • In the UK 2019/2020 there was a rise in the number of adults entering treatment for crack cocaine. This includes people who are using crack with opiates (24,363 to 25,043) and those who are using crack without opiates (4,535 to 4,651).


  • The number of people entering treatment for Crack Cocaine has risen by 36% than in 2013/2014

Substances by group for people starting treatment in 2019 to 2020

Source: National statistics, Adult substance misuse treatment statistics 2019 to 2020 report (Nov 2020)


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