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Behavioural Rehab

Are you or a loved one in need of a behavioural rehab? Not many understand that compulsive destructive behaviours can be a symptom of an addiction.


Our team of rehab and addiction specialists are on hand to talk to you day or night. Let us help you take back control.

Behavioural Rehab For Your Addiction

Behavioural problems and addiction can be just as destructive and damaging to the individual and their family as alcohol and drugs.

Common examples of behavioural addictions include:

  • Gambling addiction
  • Sex addiction
  • Gaming addiction
  • Eating disorders
  • Love addiction
  • Codependency
  • Pornography addiction
  • Shopping and spending addiction


All behavioural addictions can carry severe consequences including financial debt, loss of jobs, destroyed relationships, physical and mental illness, severe anxiety, depression and even suicidal ideation.

Behavioural addictions require professional treatment. Behavioural rehab provides the best in tailored behavioural therapies that can not be accessed to the same degree of speciality or intensity on the NHS.

What is a Behavioural Addiction?

A behavioural addiction is where an individual becomes addicted to a particular behaviour/activity to the point where it becomes detrimental to their mental, physical, social and spiritual health.

The individual has no control to resist these behaviours and they are carried out compulsively, even when there is a desire to stop and negative consequences are being accumulated

The brain will receive pleasurable rewards as a result of the behaviour but will become tolerant over time. The individual is then compelled to take bigger risks with their behaviour in order to satisfy the brain, which will have rewired itself to compulsively feed the addiction.


It can feel hopeless falling into the pit of alcohol addiction. Don't struggle alone, help is at hand.

Behavioural Rehab Treatment Options

Which Rehab offers a number of behavioural rehab treatment options, that offer many benefits to an individual that is struggling with a behavioural problem or addiction, including:

  • A safe environment where they will be required to abstain from their addictive behaviours
  • 24/7 medical and psychological help to support complete abstinence
  • Specialist therapies to address the core of the behavioural problem
  • Bespoke rehabilitation programme and aftercare package
  • Treatment programmes delivered by a team of qualified doctors, psychologists, counsellors, therapists and support workers
  • Short term and long term rehab
  • Inpatient behavioural rehab
  • Residential behavioural rehab
  • Daycare behavioural rehab
  • Community behavioural rehab

Recovery from Behavioural Addiction

Behavioural addiction can be successfully treated with an individualised treatment programme. Therapies that have been proven to work in helping an individual to overcome a behavioural addiction include:

Whatever your budget, circumstances or location, Which Rehab can conduct a free of charge, no-obligation assessment of your treatment needs. From there, we can formulate a professional treatment plan ensuring that all elements of your treatment requirements are addressed comprehensively.

Those that suffer from a behavioural addiction, often suffer from an alcohol or drug problem in addition. This is not uncommon. They may also suffer from a dual diagnosis illness, such as Post-traumatic Stress (PTSD) Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Bipolar Disorder.

It is critical that all illnesses presenting are addressed comprehensively and simultaneously in order to safeguard against relapse.

Call us now for advice and help on accessing the best behavioural rehab for your individual needs.


Book your free confidential consultation call to discuss rehab options in Birmingham


Care Quality Commission - Rehabs you can trust

You can be sure that we’ll find the right rehab for your situation that follows all the best practices. Which Rehab only works with rehabs which are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in London and across the UK. This body ensures that your addiction is treated with only the highest quality.