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Sober Companion

Sober companions can provide invaluable support and understanding in times of need. They can also enhance your recovery in a variety of ways.

Which Rehab’s sober companion services provide expert and professional recovery focused companionship and guidance for those that are new in recovery or struggling to stay clean and sober. Sober companions can also work with those still in active addiction but want to work towards recovery.


Our team of rehab and addiction specialists are on hand to talk to you day or night. Let us help you take back control.

What is a Sober Companion?

A sober companion is similar to a sober escort, but is more flexible in terms of meeting specific recovery treatment needs.

Sober companions are trained and qualified in all of the latest evidence based treatments for alcoholism and drug addiction. They provide motivation, inspiration, understanding and companionship.

Sober companions are very flexible and can work with you in recovery or whilst you are trying to stop alcohol and drugs. They can be there for you in times of need, providing reassurance, advice and direction.

Which Rehab’s sober companion service is extremely flexible. Whatever your needs are for a sober companion, we are confident we can help.

Why Would I Need A Sober Companion?

If you are new to recovery, the world will seem a very different place without the influence of alcohol and drugs.

With the substances removed, you may feel a sense of loss, purpose and direction. Sober companions can help you to establish a solid purpose and direction in your life and show you just how wonderful and freeing sober life can be.

Sober companions bridge the gap in traditional addiction treatment methods; helping you to integrate into society without substances or maladaptive harmful behaviours.


It can feel hopeless falling into the pit of alcohol addiction. Don't struggle alone, help is at hand.

How Do I Arrange a Sober Companion?

Whatever your addiction or substance misuse treatment needs are, or wherever you live in the UK, Which Rehab can arrange a bespoke sober companion service for you or for a loved one. Please call us today to find out more about how this service can help to benefit you.