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How to support someone with alcohol addiction this Christmas

How to support someone with alcohol addiction this Christmas

A family sat around the Christmas dinner table - Which rehab

  Christmas can be stressful for everyone for different reasons. However, for those in active addiction and recovery from alcohol addiction, the festive season presents extra challenges. There’s no denying that drinking is rife around Christmas and navigating the minefield of temptation around this time can be exhausting. For those suffering from alcohol addiction, along […]

What happens when you first go to rehab?

A group of people supporting a man with his head in his hands at a group addiction therapy session with the Which Rehab logo and blog title, what happens when you first go to rehab?

  If you’re considering rehab, or have a loved one preparing to enter treatment, you may be wondering what happens when you first go to rehab. While the thought may be daunting, after the first week you’ll have become used to the structure that rehab provides and will find yourself fitting in well. Different types […]

Alcohol addiction, what is it and how can I treat it?

A man holding a glass of whisky

Image by wirestock on Freepik   Alcohol is one of the most abused substances in England, with only 18% of an estimated 602,391 dependent drinkers receiving treatment. Unfortunately, due to the country’s drinking culture and the fact that alcohol is so easily accessible, alcohol addiction continues to be a serious problem. Read on for our […]

How much does rehab cost in the UK?

A jar of copper coins on it's side | Which Rehab

For many people, the cost of rehab is the deciding factor when considering which treatment path to take. However, while private rehab treatment in the UK comes at a price, it has helped millions of people overcome their addictions. So, how much does rehab really cost in the UK? On average, you can expect to […]

How hard is it to get off drugs without the help of therapy or rehab?

A man struggling to detox alone, sitting on a sofa with his head on his hands | Which Rehab

  A common misconception amongst people suffering from substance use disorders is that once they have eliminated drugs and alcohol from their system, they are free from addiction.  However, this is far from the truth. While drug detox is an important part of the recovery process, it is only the first step toward complete sobriety.  […]

How to Get Someone into Rehab

A father holding the shoulder of his adult daughter who is struggling with addiction as she holds her head in her hands - Which Rehab

Watching a loved one battling addiction can leave you feeling powerless, fearful and extremely anxious. Unfortunately, many people suffering from addiction are in denial about their problem, making it all the more difficult to convince them to accept help. In the UK, it is not possible to force someone into rehab against their will. If […]

Relapse or Lapse?

A man holding his head in his hands by the ocean - Relapse or lapse blog - Which rehab

In addiction recovery, whenever a person returns to active involvement with their drug or behaviour of choice, it is considered a relapse that requires an appropriate response. However small it seems, any slip back into addictive behaviour, especially substance use, must be addressed swiftly and appropriately. Exactly how it is dealt with can be crucial. […]

How Does Alcohol Affect The Liver?

Alcohol addiction affecting your liver

The liver is one of the most crucial organs in the body, one we rely on to keep us alive. While we can survive with a partial liver, we can’t live without one at all. The liver is responsible for metabolising (breaking down) toxins from medications and alcohol. However, when the liver becomes overburdened, the […]

Are My Drinking Habits A Problem?

selection of alcohol contributing to alcohol addiction

Sometimes drinking habits can become problematic without you realising, and quite often an event occurs that will leave you concerned about the amount of alcohol you’re consuming. It’s important that you are honest with yourself about the extent of your alcohol use to prevent further damage to your mental and physical well-being. What is an […]

Surviving Your First Sober Christmas

alcohol addiction at Christmas

An alcohol-free Christmas The holiday season can be especially hard on those in recovery. A period of festivities is often characterised by drinking and lots of food. Even those who don’t usually drink to excess may find themselves pushing their limits around this time. If you’re newly sober then the chances are, the thought of […]