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A father consoling a daughter in a kitchen asking how to get someone into rehab | Which Rehab

Watching a loved one battling addiction can leave you feeling powerless, fearful and extremely anxious. Unfortunately, many people suffering from addiction are in denial about their problem, making it all the more difficult to convince them to accept help.

In the UK, it is not possible to force someone into rehab against their will. If you do manage to convince a person to enter rehab, they are also free to leave whenever they choose. Whilst therapists and staff will do their utmost to convince someone to stay, they don’t have the power to keep anyone there if they wish to leave.

If you’re someone who is looking for rehab in London for a friend or family member but are unsure of where to start, read on to find out more about how to navigate the process and what the next steps are.

How to Recognise an Addiction

A man holding his head in his hands in a darkened room contemplating rehab - Which Rehab

Before broaching the subject with your friend or family member, take time to observe their behaviour and confirm any suspicions you may have. Addiction will eventually impact every aspect of a person’s life, so they will likely begin to exhibit physical, psychological and behavioural symptoms at some stage.

Keep in mind that the characteristics of these symptoms will depend on the type of addiction the person is suffering from. For example, someone with a stimulant addiction will appear more hyperactive as opposed to someone who is abusing opioids, which act as depressants. However, there are general signs you can look out for that could indicate an addiction.

Some of the most common physical symptoms include:

  • Unkempt appearance
  • Lack of personal hygiene
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Looking agitated
  • Enlarged or very dilated pupils
  • Excessive sweating
  • Needle marks on skin
  • Tremors

While psychological symptoms typically include:

  • Paranoia
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

Behavioural symptoms include:

  • Lying about things such as their whereabouts or their finances
  • Running out of money quickly
  • No longer taking part in things they enjoy
  • Poor performance at work/school
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Secretive behaviour

If you recognise any of the above symptoms and are concerned about a friend or family member, please get in touch on 0297 965 7365 to find a rehab in London or elsewhere in the UK.

Types of Addiction

A selection of pills on a mirrored tray with the reflection of a woman with pink hair | Which Rehab

Before you can go about trying to help your friend or family member, it’s important to understand what type of addiction you’re dealing with and how long the issue has been going on. While many of the same therapies are used across all addictions, some are considered more severe than others and may require medical treatment.

Drug addiction

Drug addiction refers to the abuse of both prescription and illicit substances. The main drug categories are stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, inhalants and cannabis.

Alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction describes the continued consumption of alcohol despite any negative consequences that arise as a result of excessive drinking.

Behavioural addictions

Behavioural addictions involve a compulsion to engage in non-substance-related behaviours. Some of the most common include gambling, sex, porn, shopping and most recently, cryptocurrency.

Treatment for Addiction

A man talking to a group in a rehab therapy session | Which Rehab

The course of treatment for addiction depends on each person’s circumstances. Most begin with a drug or alcohol detox followed by intensive psychological therapy. However, someone with a behavioural addiction won’t require a drug detox and so may decide that behavioural therapy is better suited to their situation. Others with more severe addictions will always be advised to opt for inpatient rehab to ensure their safety during the detox process.

If you’re looking for a drug and alcohol rehab in London on behalf of someone else, you must first decide whether they need inpatient or outpatient treatment. Contacting a service such as Which Rehab means you won’t have to make these decisions alone. We will outline the options available to you and help you make the right choice. While both inpatient and outpatient treatment have their benefits, inpatient rehab is considered the most effective, especially for those with severe addictions who require a medically supervised detox.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab is considered the most effective when it comes to treating addiction, as it allows the individual to focus solely on their recovery away from any external influences. During a stay at an inpatient rehab, you will have around-the-clock care and medical staff on hand should you need them.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient care is convenient for those who cannot commit to residential rehab due to work commitments or childcare duty. It often involves a certain number of sessions each week at a private rehab clinic. However, outpatient care does come with risk factors that should be considered. For example, the person will have access to drugs and alcohol unless under constant supervision and may quickly slip back into old habits.

Depending on the addiction, detox is the first step toward recovery. Once drugs and alcohol have been eliminated from the system, the person will be ready to begin intensive psychological treatment.

There are many different therapies for treating the psychological aspect of addiction. Some of the most widely used include, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), group therapy, individual therapy, as well as holistic therapies such as yoga, massage, music therapy and art therapy.

How to Talk to an Addicted Person About Their Illness

A close up of someone holding another's hands in support | Which Rehab

The thought of bringing up the subject of addiction with someone you care about can be extremely daunting. When discussing such an issue, it’s important to remain firm, but try to be as compassionate as possible. Remember, addiction often causes intense feelings of guilt and shame in many people. If they feel as though they’re being judged or attacked, they are unlikely to listen, and will probably refuse help.

Addiction intervention

For this reason, many families opt for an intervention to get their loved ones into rehab. An intervention is a group session facilitated by an addiction specialist (interventionist) and aims to encourage people to go to rehab using a range of counselling techniques. There are several benefits to having an interventionist present. They will take the lead during the process to ensure that the intervention is as productive as possible. They can also help you prepare what you’re going to say to your loved one.

How to talk to an addict without professional help

Confronting the person one-to-one requires careful timing. Ideally, wait until they are sober before trying to talk things through. If they are under the influence, the chances are they won’t remember the conversation and may act out or become aggressive. Do not confront them amongst others or you risk embarrassing or angering them.

Be sure to let them know how their addiction has made you feel and how it has impacted your life. Oftentimes, addicted people are so consumed by their addiction that they are completely oblivious to how it’s affecting those around them.

Although you may find it difficult, it’s important you set out clear boundaries about their behaviour. It may sometimes take for a close friend or relative to present them with an ultimatum if they refuse treatment.

If you have a loved one who is suffering from addiction and needs treatment, whether it’s an alcohol detox or rehab for drug abuse in London, please get in touch with us today on 0297 965 7365. Our team of experts will help you find the treatment best suited to their needs.

Getting into Rehab

A woman resting her head on a man's shoulder for addiction support | Which Rehab

If you have chosen to use an interventionist, they will arrange transport to the clinic and organise the admissions process immediately while the person is still receptive. They will also work with you, so you are aware of the next steps.

A pre-admission screening is carried out to ensure that the person is eligible for treatment. During this screening, they will be asked more detailed questions. These cover their addiction, their health and whether there are any underlying mental health issues. This information will allow therapists to create the best treatment programme for that individual.

The admissions team will then discuss the cost of treatment and any available financing options.

Once they have been admitted, their detox will begin immediately should they need it. Detox typically lasts up to seven days, but the duration will ultimately depend on the substance.

At Which Rehab, we understand how overwhelming it can feel when trying to secure the best help for your loved one’s addiction. Our team is here to lessen the burden and present you with the treatment and therapy options best suited to your family’s circumstances. We can arrange anything from interventions and medical detox to drug and alcohol rehab admission.

Get in touch with us today on 0297 965 7365 to find out how we can help you.

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Can you send someone to rehab without their consent?

No. An individual must agree to help before entering rehab. If they decide to leave once they are in rehab, there is no way of keeping them there against their will.

Can you force someone into rehab?

You cannot use physical force to get someone into rehab. Clinics will not accept anyone who has no desire to begin treatment. However, offering an ultimatum is an effective way of forcing someone into treatment when all other options have been exhausted.

How to get someone into rehab

Once your loved one has decided to seek help for addiction, the first step is finding a clinic that’s right for them. Once you have decided on a course of treatment, whether it’s inpatient or outpatient care, you can phone the clinic directly and begin the admissions process. Following a telephone consultation, your loved one will be told whether they are eligible for treatment and once approved, can have transport arranged to take them there. They will then be taken through a screening process. This allows the clinic to better understand their addiction and whether they suffer from any co-occurring disorders.

Can someone be sectioned for alcohol abuse?

You can not section someone for alcohol abuse alone. Where someone poses a risk of physical harm to themselves or others, police may then intervene and have them sectioned. However, there is no guarantee someone will receive the necessary alcohol addiction treatment while under sectioning.

What is the 12-step programme?

The 12-Step approach to addiction treatment is an abstinence-based programme, that sets out guidelines to help with the treatment of substance and behavioural addictions. The 12-Step programme focuses on changing unhealthy thought processes and aims to eliminate addictive behaviours while incorporating elements of spirituality.

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