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Alcohol addiction, what is it and how can I treat it?

Alcohol addiction, what is it and how can I treat it?

A man holding a glass of whisky

Image by wirestock on Freepik   Alcohol is one of the most abused substances in England, with only 18% of an estimated 602,391 dependent drinkers receiving treatment. Unfortunately, due to the country’s drinking culture and the fact that alcohol is so easily accessible, alcohol addiction continues to be a serious problem. Read on for our […]

How much does rehab cost in the UK?

A jar of copper coins on it's side | Which Rehab

For many people, the cost of rehab is the deciding factor when considering which treatment path to take. However, while private rehab treatment in the UK comes at a price, it has helped millions of people overcome their addictions. So, how much does rehab really cost in the UK? On average, you can expect to […]

How does rehab work in the UK?

A womanlying on her back in a rehab therapy room with the text overlay: How does rehab work in the UK | Which Rehab

  When talking about drug and alcohol rehab in the UK, most people assume you’re referring to exclusive facilities reserved for wealthy people and celebrities. However, many fail to consider other treatment paths to rehab available in London and the rest of the UK. Let’s explore these options and answer a few burning questions. FAQs […]

How to Get Someone into Rehab

A father holding the shoulder of his adult daughter who is struggling with addiction as she holds her head in her hands - Which Rehab

Watching a loved one battling addiction can leave you feeling powerless, fearful and extremely anxious. Unfortunately, many people suffering from addiction are in denial about their problem, making it all the more difficult to convince them to accept help. In the UK, it is not possible to force someone into rehab against their will. If […]

Why Cannabis Isn’t as Harmless as You Think

A joint on a table - Cannabis Isn’t as Harmless as You Think blog - Which Rehab

In this article, you will learn to understand why cannabis isn’t as harmless as you think… Medical use of cannabis was legalised in the UK on 1 November 2018. However, there continues to be ongoing discussion about whether cannabis should be completely legalised and decriminalised in the UK. In January 2022, a leaked government report […]

What Can I Expect in Early Recovery?

A person walking down a tunnel - What can I expect in Early Recovery Blog - Which rehab

Early Recovery What Can I Expect in Early Recovery? Early recovery sometimes feels like an overwhelming series of challenges. Giving up the old way of life didn’t fully prepare us for the new one – how are we to cope? The answer lies in managing our expectations and responses. Don’t expect too much too soon. Recovery […]

What is Long-Term Recovery?

Three message boards with inspiration messages for people struggling with addiction recovery - Which Rehab

Heavy drug use over a prolonged period can cause major chemical changes in the brain. Eventually, the brain becomes reliant on these drugs in order to function. While this can be effectively treated with addiction rehab, recovery requires most of the body’s key functioning systems to get healthy again. It also takes time for the […]

Relapse or Lapse?

A man holding his head in his hands by the ocean - Relapse or lapse blog - Which rehab

In addiction recovery, whenever a person returns to active involvement with their drug or behaviour of choice, it is considered a relapse that requires an appropriate response. However small it seems, any slip back into addictive behaviour, especially substance use, must be addressed swiftly and appropriately. Exactly how it is dealt with can be crucial. […]

Things to Consider When Choosing a Rehab

choosing a Rehab with Which Rehab

Deciding to seek help for addiction is a big step and can often feel daunting. The fear of the unknown, paired with the added pressure of making the right choice is an overwhelming feat. Whether you’re looking to start treatment yourself, or you’re helping a loved one choose a clinic, there are several factors that […]

Surviving Your First Sober Christmas

alcohol addiction at Christmas

An alcohol-free Christmas The holiday season can be especially hard on those in recovery. A period of festivities is often characterised by drinking and lots of food. Even those who don’t usually drink to excess may find themselves pushing their limits around this time. If you’re newly sober then the chances are, the thought of […]