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Can you stop doing drugs without rehab?

drug rehab - Which Rehab?

  It’s possible to quit drugs without going to rehab, however, it can be more challenging to do so without professional help, and your chances of maintaining sobriety may be lower. Quitting drugs on your own can also be dangerous, especially if you’ve had a drug abuse problem for a long time or have developed […]

How hard is it to get off drugs without the help of therapy or rehab?

A man struggling to detox alone, sitting on a sofa with his head on his hands | Which Rehab

  A common misconception amongst people suffering from substance use disorders is that once they have eliminated drugs and alcohol from their system, they are free from addiction.  However, this is far from the truth. While drug detox is an important part of the recovery process, it is only the first step toward complete sobriety.  […]

Relapse or Lapse?

A man holding his head in his hands by the ocean - Relapse or lapse blog - Which rehab

In addiction recovery, whenever a person returns to active involvement with their drug or behaviour of choice, it is considered a relapse that requires an appropriate response. However small it seems, any slip back into addictive behaviour, especially substance use, must be addressed swiftly and appropriately. Exactly how it is dealt with can be crucial. […]

12 Christmas Triggers and How to Handle Them

addiction at christmas

Christmas is a busy time, with many of us overexerting ourselves socially, physically as well as financially. This period can be stressful for everyone, especially those in recovery, and overdoing it can often contribute to relapse during the holiday season. People experience all kinds of struggles during the festive period. There is a huge focus […]

COVID-19: The Impact on Addiction

Addiction during Covid-19

Drug-related deaths and alcohol-related hospital admissions were already at all-time highs before Covid-19. However, since the pandemic hit, these numbers have risen exponentially. Covid has had a major impact on the physical and mental wellbeing of millions of people across the UK and all over the world. However, those in recovery and active addiction, are […]