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What are the consequences of drink driving this Christmas?

A rear view mirror view of a sad man sitting in a car rubbing his eyes - Which Rehab

  Approximately 85,000 people are convicted of drink driving related offences each year in England and Wales alone1. With the festive period in full swing, it’s important you remember that one reckless decision could end up costing a lot more than your license. Drink driving FAQs Why is drink driving so common at Christmas?   […]

Alcohol Addiction Statistics in UK

alcohol addiction statistics

Alcoholism, also referred to as alcohol use disorder has always been a major problem in the UK. However, in the last five decades alcoholism rates have increased by more than 50 percent, resulting in a huge rise in alcohol-related deaths, illness, mental health issues, and hospital admissions. When discussing alcoholism, many think about middle-aged people […]

Drinking More In Self Isolation Could Affect Immune System

People Drinking More In Self Isolation But It Could Be Affecting Their Immune System People now, and for the foreseeable future are being ordered to stay at home. Bars, pubs, restaurants, and clubs closed in the wake of the crisis. However, it has not stopped people in Scotland from having a drink. Quite the contrary […]