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Drinking More In Self Isolation Could Affect Immune System

People Drinking More In Self Isolation But It Could Be Affecting Their Immune System

People now, and for the foreseeable future are being ordered to stay at home. Bars, pubs, restaurants, and clubs closed in the wake of the crisis. However, it has not stopped people in Scotland from having a drink. Quite the contrary in fact, as, going by recent figures, alcohol consumption has gone up by around 200% since the Covid-19 outbreak began.

Generally, Scottish people drink around 5 million pints at home a week, based on findings from the British Beer and Pub Association. They can pick up their provisions at an off-license or supermarket for drinking in their house and the rate of people imbibing at home looks to be skyrocketing, now the pubs have closed.

It is understandable that, during a national emergency, some may turn to alcohol. After all, there are a lot of anxious, frightened, people out there.

As a side effect of panic buying, people are also stocking up on alcohol, making sure they don’t run out. We are now seeing pub drinkers, who ordinary consume five and a half million pints a week, moving drinking to their homes. At the same time they are increasing their alcohol intake, ramping up the numbers.

Increased consumption at home

The situation has also created a new phenomenon… the virtual pub where friends who cannot meet in person connect on-line and ‘share’ a drink.

Most people consider this as a way of keeping their spirits up, bringing the community together and maintaining communication with friends and family. Many see it as an example of the nation’s strength and resolve in difficult times. While which nobody wishes to criticise or disparage some have noted the rise in alcohol consumption. This has seen people drink eight million pints a week, a growth of three million, since the lockdown started.

There is nothing wrong with having a drink now and then or enjoying in moderation. But various experts feel, in these exceptional circumstances, it is not advisable to drink to excess, as it could have an adverse effect your physical or mental health.

It can leave you with a weakened immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. No-one wasnt to increase their chance of catching a cold or cough just now. It may also increase the possibility of contracting more serious conditions such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and respiratory distress syndrome. These can all be particularly hazardous in this current medical crisis.

This is a time when we all must be on our guard and watch out for ourselves and others. The government is advising us to practice social distancing, self-isolation and tells us to wash our hands. But we should also be aware of what we are eating and drinking and how it may affect our wellbeing. We may tell ourselves it is just a harmless drink, but when does it reach the point when it could put our health in jeopardy?