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The Most Addictive Drugs in the UK

Man struggling to resist drugs - the most addictive drugs in the uk - Which Rehab

Addiction is a complex and devastating condition that affects millions of people around the world. While addiction can stem from various sources, certain drugs are known to be more addictive than others. These substances have the power to hijack the brain’s reward system, leading to an intense desire to use them and making it extremely […]

The Best Alcohol Rehab Centres in the UK

Women staring into the sunset - Best Alcohol Rehab Centres - Which Rehab

Alcohol abuse touches every corner of the UK. In 2013, the Centre for Social Justice reported that 1.6 million people were dependent on alcohol in England alone. Taking control of alcohol addiction usually is only possible with some level of professional treatment. Finding the best alcohol treatment center for yourself or a loved one can […]

Does Rehab Work? : Rehab Success Rates

A blue heart with a percentage symbol in it and the title 'Does Rehab Work' - Which Rehab

If you’ve been exploring therapy for addiction, you may have heard of Cognitive Processing Therapy. But what is it and how can it help addicts? Find out today.

What is Cognitive Processing Therapy?

A man in a Cognitive Processing Therapy session - Which Rehab

If you’ve been exploring therapy for addiction, you may have heard of Cognitive Processing Therapy. But what is it and how can it help addicts? Find out today.

What are the stages of addiction?

A woman suffering from addiction - What are the stages of addiction - Which Rehab

In the realm of substance abuse, understanding the stages of addiction is vital to recognising the signs and seeking appropriate help. Addiction is not a fixed condition. It progresses through various stages with distinct characteristics. This article aims to shed light on the stages of addiction and their impact on mental health and overall well-being. […]

What is a rehabilitation centre? 

A person sitting with a counsellor - What is a rehabilitation centre blog - Which Rehab

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, a rehabilitation centre, or rehab clinic could be the key to achieving prolonged sobriety. But what exactly is a rehabilitation centre?  In this article, we’ll discuss what a rehab centre is, the types of treatment offered and what you can expect when […]

Can you stop doing drugs without rehab?

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  It’s possible to quit drugs without going to rehab, however, it can be more challenging to do so without professional help, and your chances of maintaining sobriety may be lower. Quitting drugs on your own can also be dangerous, especially if you’ve had a drug abuse problem for a long time or have developed […]

What are the symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal?

Man in bath struggling with alcoholism - Which Rehab

Alcohol withdrawal refers to the symptoms that manifest if you have an alcohol use disorder and you suddenly stop drinking. Here we will discuss the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol (also known as Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, or AWS), what symptoms you might experience and how best to manage the alcohol detox process. FAQs   What are […]

Men and mental health

Sad man in black hoodie with a therapist in mental health consultation - Which Rehab

  It’s no secret that mental health is just as important as physical health. With so many campaigns designed to spread awareness and defeat the stigma surrounding mental illness, why are men still encouraged to ‘suck it up’ and keep quiet? In this article, we’ll discuss the statistics around male mental health, why men struggle […]

New Ketamine Treatment Trial for Alcohol Addiction

A silhouette of a woman drinking a bottle of beer - Which Rehab

  There has been a growing ambition in recent years to the use and effectiveness of psychedelics to treat addiction. This has led to researchers at the University of Exeter currently trialling the use of ketamine in the treatment of alcohol addiction. The trial – which has reached its second stage – will focus on […]