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You Do Not Have To Drink On Holiday

Try Alcohol-free G&T.

Things may be crazy right now, but life seems to be heading back to normal. And, although it may not feel like it, people are still planning on going, or already on holiday before hopefully going back to work or school routines. Many are choosing to have a staycation and remain in the UK and some are trying camping for the first time. If you are taking a trip this year, you may consider going on a picnic. Stuffing your basket with goodies and taking your own food and drink with you. Would you consider an alcohol-free G&T in a tin?

Let’s face it, most people have a drink while on holiday. They look forward to cracking open a cool beer, pouring themselves a relaxing glass of wine, or having an evening Gin and Tonic. Unfortunately, on some occasions, it can feel like going on holiday is just an excuse to over imbibe. Some people spend their entire trip drinking, and hardly remember their trip, making it an almost pointless exercise. Why travel all that way, and at great expense, to spend the holiday in a drunken state, or battling a constant hangover? Wouldn’t it be great to have a grown-up tasting drink but without the headache later?

Alcohol spoiling your holidays?

We often see holidays or day trips from our childhoods through rose-tinted glasses. We remember swimming, playing on the beach or eating ice cream. However, some have to overlook Dad drinking a six-pack and then falling into a stupor or Mum being more interested in the local vino than playing with the kids. For some people, getting drunk and passing out is an almost obligatory part of going on holiday. However, it does not have to be that way. You can still have something indulgent to sip in the sunshine… without the sore head.

If you are like an increasing number who do not drink, or you are reducing your alcohol intake, there are several good non-alcoholic options. Marks & Spencer are bringing out their first-ever alcohol-free G&T in a can. Perfect to pack for a picnic. This fascinating concoction is the result of combining fragrant botanicals, sourced from The Old Curiosity distillery in Edinburgh. The ingredients include coriander, lemon balm, angelica, cardamom and juniper, all blended with tonic. The alcohol-free G and T is apparently indistinguishable from the real thing and comes in 250ml cans.

Increasing number of alcohol-free options

M&S is expecting big things for their alcohol-free G&T in a tin. Especially after a larger bottle version was a big hit with customers two years ago.
Overall, alcohol-free drinks have become increasingly popular in the past ten years, which just goes to show that there is always an alternative to boozing. There are offerings from Seedlip and various low or no alcohol beers that now taste credible. Even Aldi has jumped into the no-alcohol market with its Pink Gin. These are just as carefully packaged and tasty as any boozy drink. Some have playful names based on their alcoholic cousins eg ‘Nogroni’ and ‘Nosecco’
Therefore, you do not have to mar your holiday by drinking so much you don’t even enjoy the trip. Consider taking a break from drinking on your summer break. You might be pleasantly surprised.


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