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What are the 12 Steps to Recovery?

A close up of someone's feet walking up steps with yellow strips on them, the Which Rehab Logo and the blog title - What are the 12 Steps to Recovery | Which Rehab

  The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a recovery approach which follows a set of guidelines designed to help members overcome addiction. Recovery isn’t easy, but the 12-step recovery program gives you tools you can use whenever you need support. The fellowship has helped hundreds of thousands of people suffering from addiction. Since […]

How Does Alcohol Affect The Liver?

Alcohol addiction affecting your liver

The liver is one of the most crucial organs in the body, one we rely on to keep us alive. While we can survive with a partial liver, we can’t live without one at all. The liver is responsible for metabolising (breaking down) toxins from medications and alcohol. However, when the liver becomes overburdened, the […]

Alcoholism : Spotting The Signs

alcohol addiction

Alcoholism is characterised by the compulsive need to drink alcohol despite the physical, psychological, and financial consequences. What many believe to be a lack of willpower or self-control is in fact a serious psychological illness, one that requires treatment in a registered rehab facility. Alcohol addiction also referred to as alcohol dependence, is a lot […]