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How to support someone with a drug addiction this Christmas

A man sat at a Christmas dinner table wearing a festive jumper looking sullen, with the Which Rehab logo above and the blog title - How to support someone with a drug addiction this Christmas below - Which Rehab

  Christmas is a time for overindulgence and celebration. However, for someone in active drug addiction, the festive period can be a minefield of triggers, which ultimately impact family and friends too. As a loved one, it’s painful to watch someone you care about struggling with drug addiction. You will experience feelings of anger, resentment […]

Commonly Abused Legal Drugs

A number of colourful prescription pills spilled on a table - Commonly Abused Legal Drugs Blog - Which Rehab

It’s important to discuss the commonly abused legal drugs… The term ‘drugs’ is commonly associated with illicit substances, such as cocaine and heroin. However, some of the most addictive drugs aren’t illegal at all. Some are readily available over the counter while others are obtained by prescription. There is no dispute over the efficacy of […]