What are the symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal?
Alcohol withdrawal refers to the symptoms that manifest if you have an alcohol use disorder and you suddenly stop drinking. Here we will discuss the withdrawal symptoms of alcohol (also known as Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome, or AWS), what symptoms you might experience and how best to manage the alcohol detox process. FAQs What are […]
Alcoholism symptoms: What are the warning signs of alcohol abuse?
Alcoholism is a chronic disease characterised by the emotional and physical obsession to drink alcohol, and the inability to stop despite the negative consequences. It’s also commonly described as an alcohol use disorder but should not be confused with binge drinking. If left untreated, alcoholism can cause irreversible physical and psychological damage; in many cases, […]
What are the consequences of drink driving this Christmas?
Approximately 85,000 people are convicted of drink driving related offences each year in England and Wales alone1. With the festive period in full swing, it’s important you remember that one reckless decision could end up costing a lot more than your license. Drink driving FAQs Why is drink driving so common at Christmas? […]
How to support someone with alcohol addiction this Christmas
Christmas can be stressful for everyone for different reasons. However, for those in active addiction and recovery from alcohol addiction, the festive season presents extra challenges. There’s no denying that drinking is rife around Christmas and navigating the minefield of temptation around this time can be exhausting. For those suffering from alcohol addiction, along […]
What are the 12 Steps to Recovery?
The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a recovery approach which follows a set of guidelines designed to help members overcome addiction. Recovery isn’t easy, but the 12-step recovery program gives you tools you can use whenever you need support. The fellowship has helped hundreds of thousands of people suffering from addiction. Since […]
Alcohol addiction, what is it and how can I treat it?
Image by wirestock on Freepik Alcohol is one of the most abused substances in England, with only 18% of an estimated 602,391 dependent drinkers receiving treatment. Unfortunately, due to the country’s drinking culture and the fact that alcohol is so easily accessible, alcohol addiction continues to be a serious problem. Read on for our […]
Are My Drinking Habits A Problem?
Sometimes drinking habits can become problematic without you realising, and quite often an event occurs that will leave you concerned about the amount of alcohol you’re consuming. It’s important that you are honest with yourself about the extent of your alcohol use to prevent further damage to your mental and physical well-being. What is […]
Alcoholism : Spotting The Signs
Alcoholism is characterised by the compulsive need to drink alcohol despite the physical, psychological, and financial consequences. What many believe to be a lack of willpower or self-control is in fact a serious psychological illness, one that requires treatment in a registered rehab facility. Alcohol addiction also referred to as alcohol dependence, is a […]