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Should Prospective Dads Give up Alcohol?

Should Dads Go On The Wagon For The Good Of The Baby?

Everybody knows thatwhen a woman falls pregnant, she must change her habits for the good of the baby. For example, if she previously smoked then she should give up. Stopping drinking alcohol is also advised, as it can have an adverse effect on the child’s development. However, based on the findings of new research, it is not only the mum who should alter her lifestyle…

According to recent medical review, if a couple plans on trying for a baby, then the man would be better to stop drinking alcohol for up to six months beforehand.

Experts carrying out the research believe if the father was imbibing alcohol in the months up to the child being conceived, it may increase the chance of the baby suffering cardiac defects, by almost half.  If you need help reducing and stopping your drinking you can contact our free helpline.

Six Month abstinence recommended.

Scientists recommended prospective fathers stop consuming alcohol for six months before trying for a baby.

The research stated if dads engaged in binge drinking leading up to the baby being conceived, then there was more than a 50% increased likelihood of the child having congenital heart disease. Meanwhile, if women drink to excess before pregnancy, it increased by almost 20%.

The researchers, from Central South University in China, noticed a steady climb in the risk of congenital heart disease related to how much alcohol the parents consumed.  Experts concluded that the possibility of a child being afflicted with a heart condition at birth is increased by prospective parents drinking to excess.

Controversial Findings

The findings of this research into newborn’s heart defects, and how it relates to alcohol are bound to be controversial. Researchers in the UK have stated there’s no need for prospective parents to remove alcohol from their lives altogether. However, if you choose to drink, you do so sensibly and in moderation.

We’ve previously posted about how drinking can affect family life but it seems this can begin many months before your family is born.

The medical review may provoke discussion about the drinking habits of parents-to-be and the development of their future children.




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