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Empty Bar due to lockdown

Restricted Number Of Punters Puts Pubs In Jeopardy

Number Of Punters In Pubs Restricted

The restriction in the number of customers allowed in bars is still having a detrimental effects after they re-opened after lockdown.

We were all wondering what life would be like when lockdown was eased and we get back to more normal life. Things may never be the same and will we be unable to return to the way things were before because many businesses will be lost.

One social situation has been changed dramatically and we are still re-adjusting to quarantine restrictions

 Pubs still struggling

After months, of staying at home, we are able to see our friends and family once more. Most people want to go out, to eat at a restaurant or have a drink in a bar. Going by recent data, it seems the British public was desperate to go back to the pub again.

However, now that licensed premises are re-opened, patrons have to be prepared to follow the rules, even if it means restricting how much they drink.  This is going to affect viability of the pubs and put jobs at risk.

Restrictions seem here to stay

Lockdown experts at Lancaster University, in the North of England, believe the social distancing imposed and other restrictions have reduced punters numbers.  This has put the pubs’ future in jeopardy since they still have to pay staff, clean and pay overheads, regardless of how many customers they can fit in. However, this is the new normal and staff have enough to do without dealing with drunk customers.

Some feel it is only safe for customers to drink two or three drinks at most, and then must call it a night. Landlords also have to keep an eye on how many punters are drinking in the pub to avoid overcrowding. They have to spread out the number of patrons so much that not too many people are frequenting the premises at once. If the bar does not get full, the atmosphere is not the same and this puts more people off.

 Businesses will be lost

Even if certain restrictions are lifted, and people can go back to normal, it might be too late to be profitable for the year.  These financial consequences could lead to the death of many local pubs.

Who can say when we will be allowed to step out the door and go to the pub normally once more? However, it is safe to say, even if we do get to drink in our busy locals again, we will probably have to adhere to social distancing for quite some time to come. Will our pubs still be there when we do?  The notion of having a drink in a busy, crowded pub may be a thing of the past forever. We may have to get used to a new way of socialising due to coronavirus.



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