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Outcry Over Online Booze Deliveries In Australia

During lockdown there has been a massive surge in people having food and drink delivered to their home. And, while most people see ordering a takeaway as a lifeline, certain areas have drawn criticism, especially when it comes to online booze deliveries.

Restrictions re-imposed

Australian research showed that most people, who received alcohol deliveries were already drunk when ordering. This violates the country’s strict rules regarding alcohol consumption.

These rules are more relevant again as Victoria re-imposed strict lockdown after easing last month. The surge in covid-19 cases caused medics to worry and so politicians reapplied lockdown.

Ordering booze online when already drunk or underage?

The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, otherwise known as VicHealth, promotes good health and helps prevent disease throughout the state. It is the first statutory health promotion organisation in the world financed by tobacco taxation.

VicHealth did a survey that revealed more than 70% of people who ordered booze online each week were intoxicated. Despite the fact it is against strict liquor laws to sell alcohol to those already under the influence.

It is also illegal, of course, to sell alcohol to customers under 18 years of age. During its research, VicHealth learned around 33% of customers who ordered booze online did not have their ID verified when the delivery arrived. This has prompted fears of increased underage drinking during lockdown.

Alcohol available online changes drinking habits

The authority also discovered that two out of five of the population said if they could not purchase booze online, they might have dispensed with drinking altogether during lockdown.

Some experts feel the availability of alcohol online, and doorstep deliveries, has had a detrimental effect on drinking behaviour and public health in Australia. They are now demanding action.

Changes Needed?

The VicHealth has called for changes to be made to the Liquor Act, to better control alcohol deliveries. Ranging from imposing a curfew, where booze cannot be delivered after 10 p.m., to implementing a two-hour delay after buying, amongst other measures.

Home deliveries have been a lifesaver for people all over the world during lockdown. However, some are concerned certain online booze outlets in Australia may be breaking the rules. There are widespread ramifications such as promoting underage consumption, changing drinking habits, and creating massive health problems. VicHealth want something done about it, before it is too late.



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