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  Is cocaine use just for the rich or can anybody get hooked?

There is a common misconception the class A drug is exclusively for the rich and famous. Most people have an idea of celebrities, rock stars or film actors snorting it at wild parties. Or executives and rich City workers using the drug recreationally. However, today cocaine is far more widespread than we might think.

Cocaine is no longer just for the wealthy; the drug is used by a broader spectrum of the public. It is taken across different age groups, social circumstances and financial situations. It is not just for the rich.

In fact, according to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), it is now being taken by every facet of society. Many people put the increase in use down to various things especially inexpensive, low-purity powdered cocaine now being readily available.

New demographic using cocaine.

In the past twenty years, there has been a whole new demographic using cocaine. Many believed it was only used by upwardly mobile types or the late teens or twenties partying with friends. However, you may be surprised to learn, middle-aged or elder people are now using cocaine. There are cases of individuals in their mid-fifties taking the drug, as well as the younger generation.

Some take cocaine to escape from their problems, be it work, relationship or money worries. They also use the drug to deal with depression and relieve stress. That’s why so many executives claim they take it.

Unfortunately, more and more people, from various walks of life, are affected by drug miuse these days. The UK has seen a growth in cases of addiction across the country. It has been revealed 70% of drug users in Britain take cocaine or crack.

Cocaine Use prevalent in workers.

Based on research carried out by drug charity Addaction, many people may not be aware just how prevalent cocaine use has become in Scotland. Researchers asked around eight and a half thousand drug users across the country, where they discovered around 90% of those asked held down a job or were full-time students. The study also revealed around nine out of ten of drug users were aged between 18 and 45 years old. This suggesting cocaine use affects a more diverse age bracket than originally thought.

For a long time, people have believed cocaine is used only by the young, the middle-classes and the wealthy. However, studies have shown older people, as well as individuals from lower incomes, are also taking the drug. It highlights that you should not feel alone in coming to seek help with any form of drug misuse.

It also shows just how more far-reaching cocaine use has become in the UK. Its grip extends to a wider section of the population, across age, social and financial barriers.

It is definitely no longer just for the rich.

Source: UK has a secret addiction