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Drinking Too Much May Add To Anxiety

These Are Stressful Times But Drinking Too Much May Be Adding To Your Anxiety

This is a very frightening time, and people all over the country are suffering anxiety, unsure about what’s going to happen with the virus pandemic. The Covid-19 lockdown can make people feel very lonely and isolated.  You turn on the TV or go online and the news can be scary. Folk are worried the crisis may make it hard to make ends meet. They may be concerned about the health of the elderly and vulnerable, as well as their own wellbeing. There is no question that the current pandemic responses can be very stressful, and some people are turning to alcohol.

Even under ordinary circumstances, studies have shown more than half of UK adults drink to deal with stress. If they have had a bad day at work, or experiencing relationship or money worries, they may consume alcohol. It can be used as a form of escape, to cheer themselves up or to relax. But, ironically enough, if you drink too much, it may add to any psychological issues you may have, possibly heightening the problem.

Many struggle with mental illness and alcohol

It is estimated around 16 million people in the UK are struggling with mental illness, which can be partly attributed to stress. There are many who feel alcohol, taken in moderation, can help relaxation. However, while drinking may provide some enjoyment and reduce stress in the short term, it could intensify the signs in the long run.

If you regularly drink to excess, it could affect both your central nervous system and brain chemistry. Alcohol can slow down their processes and disrupt the neurotransmitters in the brain required for good mental health. This is because it acts as a depressant on some neural systems. You may see the initial relaxation subside as you display a change of personality. Possibly becoming more irritable, aggressive or morose; exhibiting the symptoms of depressive illness.

Therefore, if you use alcohol, it is advised you try reducing your intake, or only drink at a social level. You do not want your consumption to reach the point it could be considered excessive, or an everyday occurrence. Many believe this could only intensify anxiety and depression, adding to problems with stress.  It can seem there is no one around to see your problem or to help but there is always help online or over the phone.

If you need help with your alcohol addiction call us today at 0800 170 7000.