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What are the 12 Steps to Recovery?

What are the 12 Steps to Recovery?

A close up of someone's feet walking up steps with yellow strips on them, the Which Rehab Logo and the blog title - What are the 12 Steps to Recovery | Which Rehab

  The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a recovery approach which follows a set of guidelines designed to help members overcome addiction. Recovery isn’t easy, but the 12-step recovery program gives you tools you can use whenever you need support. The fellowship has helped hundreds of thousands of people suffering from addiction. Since […]

Alcohol and Sleep

Drinking alcohol before bed

A Little Drink At Bedtime May Keep You Awake How many times have you had trouble sleeping and made your way downstairs to the kitchen, thinking a small glass of beer or a wee dram might send you off to sleep? Alcohol has sometimes been a recommended cure for insomnia. After all, you have passed […]

Which Rehab – COVID-19 Statement

Which Rehab COVID-19 Statement

You may have many questions about how the coronavirus outbreak affects individuals requiring treatment for drug or alcohol addiction. You may also be uncertain what will happen now the lockdown situation is easing.  Many have questions about admitting clients to our clinics and residential centres across the country. Which Rehab acknowledges your concerns and is […]

Mummy Drinking – Harmless Fun Or Something More Serious?

There is no question of how stressful it can be to run a household. This is especially true as we adjust to life under Covid-19 lockdown.  It can be a constant grind for mothers having to get the kid out of bed, making their breakfast and keeping up with schooling. Now they have to cope […]