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Some doctors have asked for the government to raise in the price of alcohol during the Covid-19 crisis.

This has been a time when the NHS is facing almost unheard off demand. People were concerned that health services would find it hard to deal with an upsurge of patients. And there is still a very real danger that staff may be overwhelmed by another rise in coronavirus cases. Now, medical staff think raising the price of alcohol might help reduce the demands on health services.  As winter approaches and people return to drinking and partying in the longer nights, there is a possibility of more accidents, fights and overdoses.


Doctors are concerned their overstretched resources may be pushed even further by alcohol-related injuries or illnesses, or traffic accidents caused by speeding. Many medical professionals feel it could add to their extended workload unnecessarily. In addition, there are fears that alcohol makes the coronavirus disease itself worse.  However, they are not taking this lying down and are asking for a change in the law to increase the price of alcohol.

 Open letter calling for price of alcohol to be raised

Around a hundred medics and public health staff have signed an open letter asking the UK government bring in new, far-reaching measures. They are asking for the administration to lower speed limits and increase the price of alcohol.  In a double benefit, any extra taxes collected could be spent on NHS funding.

 Price of alcohol 50p per unit

Scotland and Wales have already implemented minimum unit pricing on alcohol, but doctors are now urging the entire United Kingdom to follow suit. Medical professionals feel that raising the price of alcohol to 50p a unit could make people less inclined to consume. This would reduce any subsequent medical problems, such as accidents, injuries, falls or fights resulting from drinking too much.


This could decrease numbers going to casualty and reduce the strain on accident and emergency services. By helping relieve pressure on the NHS, this would allow health services to focus on treating patients with Covid-19.



