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Avoiding Harmful Drinking of Alcohol In Lockdown?

We don’t have to tell you how tough it has been to be in lockdown, staying at home, and maybe not know what to do with yourself. Addiction experts feel it may add to a rise in harmful drinking at home. Especially if people are struggling to find something to do to fill their day. Some people are now back at work but spare a thought for those who are still shielding.

It’s feared that, if people are feeling bored, as well as stressed and anxious, they may consume more to relieve the monotony or keep their mind off worries. Many believe this has led to the upsurge in consumption during lockdown. However, if you’re finding it hard to fill your hours, there are many things you can do to pass the time without resorting to alcohol.

How To Spend Your Time…and Avoid harmful Drinking In Lockdown?

Do you have any hobbies? Would you like to get in shape? What is the one job around the house you never got around to? There are various activities you can do to help pass the time during lockdown. It’s not too late.

Get that toned body

For instance, this could be the perfect opportunity to take up exercise or try to lose weight? Do you have a bike or treadmill gathering dust in the basement? This could be your chance to break out the gym equipment and get toned up like you always wanted. A real healthy alternative to harmful drinking.

Get Creative

There are other ways you can spend your day without the need for alcohol. You could learn a new skill eg try picking up a new language. If you are the creative type, why not express yourself through art? If you like to paint, you could produce a beautiful work on a canvas, or, if a writer, pen a new story. Moreover, if you love music, how about taking up an instrument, be it piano or guitar? Who knows, by the time you get out, you could be a virtuoso?

Cook up a storm

You could also hone your culinary skills during lockdown, cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Or if you enjoy baking, create some sweet treats for your family.
As well as learning to be a better cook, you could use this time to catch up with your favourite tv shows. Lockdown has become associated with binge-watching various shows. Combine the two by watching things like Masterchef or GBBO.

Keep in touch

More importantly, through social media like Facebook, and video sharing platforms such as Zoom, it is possible to keep in touch with friends and loved ones. This can be a great source of comfort in this difficult time. If you have no one to call remember we have a free helpline where you can get addiction help today.

You don’t need alcohol.

It can be tough being locked in all the time, especially as you see others begin to go out and about. Understandably, some may be tempted to use alcohol to deal with the situation, or make the time go faster.

However, when you feel like drinking,  you can do other things to relieve the boredom of lockdown without harmful drinking. You may find a new hobby or creative outlet, removing the need for alcohol. You may even wish to continue with it when the crisis is over. Who can say?

More ideas here