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Alcohol and Drug Rehab Glasgow

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Are you looking for addiction help? You’re in the right place

Do you live in Glasgow, the most populated city in Scotland? Are you caught in a web of drug or alcohol addiction and want to get clean? If you are ready to put dependency behind you, then give Which Rehab a call.

We can help you find the finest, most affordable rehab services on your doorstep.

Understanding rehab and therapy

In many cases, the first stage of getting help is acknowledging you have a problem. However, some may be in denial about their troubles with addiction. They may insist they don’t have a problem, despite showing all the signs. If you, or someone close to you, requires an intervention, we can provide a specialist therapeutic service to determine if you have an issue. After that, you or your loved one can receive the proper treatment.

Dealing with dependency

When dealing with dependency, often the first obstacle to overcome is admitting you have an issue in the first place. 

Many people may be in denial about having a problem with drugs or alcohol. This is despite showing the signs and the concerns of their friends and family. 

If you, or someone you know, require assistance, we can arrange a specialist therapeutic service called an intervention.

We can offer you the opportunity to speak to a trained counsellor, who can help you determine if you have a dependency, to get you the help you need.

Finding drug and alcohol rehab in Glasgow

If deciding to move ahead with drug or alcohol detox, you can proceed with your full rehabilitation programme. During your stay at a rehab clinic, you will be closely supervised by experienced medical staff. A team of excellent doctors, nurses and psychiatric specialists will assess you, determining your medical background and any prior connection with addiction. In addition, they will talk you through every facet of the rehab process, before you begin detoxification.

Above all, staff will supervise when you stop taking drugs and alcohol as the toxins are cleansed from your body. You may experience uncomfortable, often painful withdrawal symptoms. Don’t worry though, the medical experts will administer the appropriate medication to ease the discomfort of detox.


Our team of rehab and addiction specialists are on hand to talk to you day or night.

What to expect after rehab

When you have completed your medical detox, you can explore the mental aspect of addiction through regular therapy sessions.

You can speak to a counsellor, either individually or as part of a group, who will discuss any issues which could play a role in your dependency. It can play a crucial role in your drug and alcohol rehab.

Which Rehab also adopts the newest contemporary therapy techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and Integrated Counselling Therapy in the treatment of addiction.

Which Rehab also recommends continuing to pursue therapy such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and Integrated Counselling Therapy in the treatment of addiction. If you need help finding a specialist addiction counsellor, we can help you find a therapist suited to your needs.

Drug and alcohol rehab aftercare

You can be assured your recovery will carry on when your spell in rehab is over. Benefit from our excellent follow-up and aftercare service, where you can keep in touch with our advisors, either in person or by telephone, depending on your location.

We can assist you in sourcing the finest outpatient care, helping you adjust back to normal life after leaving your chosen clinic. This can be essential for avoiding relapse and maintaining rehab therapy.


Our team of rehab and addiction specialists are on hand to talk to you day or night.

Free addiction rehab support services in Glasgow

Help is also offered by numerous organisations including the NHS, Social Work Services, Charity Rehabs and public/private partnerships, as well as group support organisations such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous and family support groups too.

As General Practitioners (GPs) are not specialist addiction treatment doctors, most GPs refer individuals to local specialist NHS services, commonly called Local Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADP) or Community Addiction Teams (CAT).

These offer great services, but similar to most other NHS services, they can be under financial pressure as well as lengthy waiting times.

Covering all of Glasgow including rehab and detox help in:



Mount Florida
Mount Vernon


If you or a loved one are looking to seek help and treatment for an addiction or substance abuse problem, you naturally want to find the best rehab possible to help you make a full recovery.

Which Rehab is here to help you choose from only the best and most regulated rehab clinics available throughout the UK. Our priority is our client’s safety and ensuring they receive the best addiction treatment available, tailored to their exact individual needs. Therefore, Which Rehab only work with and recommend rehabs that have been approved by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

The CQC’s stated role is to make sure that hospitals, care homes, general practices and other care services in England provide people with safe, effective, and high-quality care through inspection and ongoing monitoring that standards are being met. All the rehabs we work with are regulated by CQC, and follow a strict set of protocols both medically and therapeutically to ensure their rehab is safe for our clients.

To find out more about how the CQC approved rehabs we refer to can help you and your addiction, contact us free and confidentially on 0800 170 7000.

Call us on 0800 170 7000 now or complete form below and we will contact you