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Are You Battling Drug Or Alcohol Addiction? Maybe your addiction recovery has been disrupted by the pandemic but there is still help available.

The coronavirus crisis has touched everyone in the UK. We have all had to grow accustomed to a new way of life, staying in, working from home or home-schooling, amongst other changes. It has been a source of great disruption, and one section of society who may be especially feeling the effects of lockdown are those struggling with addiction. Now, as the country gradually comes out of lockdown there are still concerns about the disease resurfacing.

Keeping up with addiction recovery

Some people wonder how to keep up with recovery treatment, while observing social distancing during restrictions. Unfortunately, a change of routine can be quite an upheaval for people in rehab. Particularly at a time like this, where those battling drug and alcohol addiction have had to isolate at home. They have been shut off from their support network, deprived of face to face contact with rehab counsellors or advisors at the centre of their treatment.  However, many rehabilitation services have been offering online care and support. These include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), as well as charity organisations like ‘We Are With You’.

Coming out of lockdown

Many living with addiction are still worried about how coming out of lockdown may affect their recovery. Sadly, during the pandemic, some in rehab may have turned to drugs or alcohol to deal with the crisis, scuppering their treatment.

Rates of alcohol consumption rose significantly across the country during the outbreak. Many attribute the increase to a rise in anxiety levels, partly over worries about personal health, money and livelihood. Many people are alone at home, unable to see their friends and families meaning it’s understandable they might drink or take drugs. They may be looking for a means of escape, or to take their minds off the situation. This can be dangerous if they have previous issues with addiction.

 Support needed more than ever

There may also be a greater chance of relapse, as some people feel they no longer have proper treatment or support. You may wonder when you can see your GP and maybe don’t want to add to the pressure on the NHS. You may be reluctant to ask for help in your addiction recovery.

If you are fighting addiction, it is natural to be concerned about your rehab treatment. Especially, as in many cases, group therapy sessions have been cancelled and you may not have been able to speak to a counsellor in person.

Some rehab centres have had to change how they offer guidance and support, to adhere to social distancing. Many rehabilitation centres may have dispensed with face to face meetings and group therapy sessions, while providing consultations over the phone.

Addiction Recovery help still available

Please be assured many rehab centres across the country are still allowing admissions, where people such as yourself, who require treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, can get the help they need. This is a hard time for everybody, but it can be particularly challenging for people going through recovery. You may feel cut off from the world, but there is help available.

However, many drug and alcohol rehab centres are still operating across the UK offering the treatment you require to combat your addiction and turn your life around.

You may have had to stay at home or wear a mask, but you are not alone. You can keep up with your recovery with renewed focus as we come out of lockdown.

